I am a PhD candidate of Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) in the department of Language and Literacy Education at the University of British Columbia. My research interests, shaped and informed by my experiences as an English teacher in Japanese public high schools, center around pedagogy aimed at fostering critical language awareness (e.g., sociolinguistically-informed ELT with a focus on World Englishes, English as an international language, and Global Englishes; antiracist ELT), language ideology, and teacher identity. Methodologically, I am interested in qualitative research designs such as participatory action research, case study research, and teacher/practitioner research. Please see here for my dissertation proposal abstract.
2007年から2021年まで横浜市立・神奈川県立高校で英語教員として働いていました。現在はブリティッシュコロンビア大学、 Language and Literacy Education (TESL)の博士課程に在籍しています。中心的な研究分野は、批判的言語意識を育むための言語教育(例:World Englishes, 国際共通語としての英語、Global Englishesに焦点を当てた批判的社会言語学の知見を反映した英語教育;反人種主義に根ざした英語教育)、言語イデオロギー、さらには英語教員のアイデンティティーなどです。研究手法については、参加型アクションリサーチ、ケーススタディ、教員によるクラスルームリサーチなど、英語教育分野における質的研究法に興味があります。博士論文のプロポーザルの概要はこちらからご覧いただけます。
Refereed Articles
Terasawa, T., Sudo, S., Kajigaya, T., Aoyama, R., & Kubota, R. (2024). Slogans as a policy distractor: A case of ‘washback’ discourse in English language testing reforms in Japan. Current Issues in Language Planning. Advanced online publication, 1–24
Aoyama, R. (2023). World Englishes as pedagogical stance: Principles to consider in ELT. The Language Teacher, 47(2), 19–22. (📂download)
Aoyama, R. (2023). Language teacher identity and English education policy in Japan: Competing discourses surrounding “non-native” English-speaking teachers. RELC Journal, 54(3), 778–803 (📂download)
Kubota, R., Aoyama, R., Kajigaya, T., & Deschambault, R. (2022). Illuminating language users in the discourse of linguistic diversity: toward justice-informed language education. Educational Linguistics. (📂download)
Aoyama, R., & Denton, L. (2022). Creating space for World Englishes perspectives in the ELT classroom: Voices of high school students in Japan. TESL-EJ, 26(1). (📂download)
Aoyama, R., & Denton, L. (2020). Language choice of Japanese high school students in intra-national communication: Critical reflection on language use and users in Japan. KATE Journal, 34, 73–85. (📂download)
Aoyama, R. (2020). Exploring Japanese high school students’ L1 use in translanguaging in the communicative EFL classroom. TESL-EJ, 23(4), 1–18. (📂download)
Henderson Lee, S., Aoyama, R., Harris-Hoffstrom, C., Maya, A., & Pandey, S. (2019). L2 literacy instruction across global contexts: Reflections of emerging teacher-scholars. MinneTESOL Journal. 35(1). (📂download)
Non-Refereed Articles (Invited)
青山良輔・田中航祐 (2024) 「英語コミュニケーションの「見方・考え方」を深めるために: 批判的言語意識を育む授業アプローチ」『英語教育』 72(12),56–57. (📂download)
山本大・青山良輔 (2023)「批判的応用言語学の視座から英語教育を再検討する」『英語教育』 72(8),56–57.(📂download)
青山良輔 (2022)「英語指導をトランスランゲージングの観点から再考する」『英語教育』71(10), 22–23.
青山良輔 (2020)「生徒の主体性を引き出すオンライン英語授業の実践」『英語教育別冊:英語教師のためのオンライン授業・動画配信ガイド』 69(8), 34–35.
青山良輔 (2020)「技能統合型の高校授業を支えるワークシート 」『英語教育』 69(2), 14–15.
青山良輔 (2019)「話すこと(やり取り)」の能力を伸ばすための組織的な取り組み:「スモールトーク」の指導と評価 」『英語教育』 68(7), 26–27.
青山良輔 (2019)「日々の授業と新テストの関連を整理 」『GCD英語通信』 63, 7.
Ehara, Y., Iwata, J., Murakoshi, R., Flower, Y., & Shaules, J., Aoyama, R., & Miyata, H. (2024). Panorama: English Communication III (Government-authorized textbook for upper secondary English education in Japan). Taishukan Publishing.
Ehara, Y., Iwata, J., Murakoshi, R., Flower, Y., & Shaules, J., Aoyama, R., & Miyata, H. (2023). Panorama: English Communication II (Government-authorized textbook for upper secondary English education in Japan). Taishukan Publishing.
Ehara, Y., Iwata, J., Murakoshi, R., Flower, Y., & Shaules, J., Aoyama, R., & Miyata, H. (2022). Panorama: English Communication I (Government-authorized textbook for upper secondary English education in Japan). Taishukan Publishing.
Encyclopedia Entry
Aoyama, R., Kajigaya, T., Takeda, Y., Kubota, R., & Deschambault, R. (2023). On pedagogical applications of World Englishes: Stumbling blocks, stepping stones, and usefulness of boundaries in ELT. In R. Tierney, F. Rizvi, & K. Ercikan, International Encyclopedia of Education (4th ed., pp. 825–836). Elsevier. (📂download)
Book Review
Aoyama, R. (2022) [Review of the book, Language teacher education For Global Englishes: A practical resource book, edited by Ali Fuad Selvi and Bedrettin Yazan.] Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. Advance online publication.
Refereed Conference Presentations
Aoyama, R., & Wernicke, M. (2024, March). Discourses of culture in Japan’s ministry-approved ELT textbooks: Examining cultural representations and textbook users’ meaning-making. The American Association for Applied Linguistics: AAAL 2024 Conference, Houston, TX.
Aoyama, R. (accepted & withdrawn, 2023, June). Multilayered reflections on incorporating linguistic diversity into Japan’s ELT: Issues and possibilities for sociolinguistically informed emancipatory pedagogies. A paper accepted for the International Association for World Englishes: IAWE25, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY.
Aoyama, R. (2023, March). Implementing critical content-based instruction in the ELT classroom in Japan: Problems and proposals for change. The American Association for Applied Linguistics: AAAL 2023 Conference, Portland, OR.
Aoyama, R. (2022, August). Exploring language teacher identity through illuminating discourses surrounding “non-native” English speaking teachers in English education policy in Japan. The Multidisciplinary Approaches in Language Policy and Planning Conference (LPP 2022), Montréal, QC.
Aoyama, R. (2022, August). (Un)Learning and addressing race in the content-based ELT classroom. The Japan Society of English Language Education: The 47th Annual Convention (Online).
Kubota, R., Aoyama, R., Kajigaya, T., & Deschambault, R. (2022, March). Illuminating language users in the discourse of linguistic diversity: Toward justice-informed language education. The American Association for Applied Linguistics: AAAL 2022 Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.
Aoyama, R. (2019, November). Factors influencing NNESTs’ identity and efficacy. The Japan Association for Language Teaching, Nagoya, Aichi.
Shibata, M., Aoyama, R., & Denton, L. (2019, November). Academic writing: From high school to university. The Japan Association for Language Teaching, Nagoya, Aichi.
Aoyama, R. (2019, August). High school students' use of L1 in English communicative classrooms. The Japan Society of English Language Education: The 45th Annual Convention, Hirosaki, Aomori.
Henderson Lee, S., Aoyama, R., Harris-Hoffstrom, C., Maya, A., & Pandey, S. (2016, September). L2 literacies across global contexts: Applications of emerging teacher-scholars. MIDTESOL, Kansas City, Missouri.
Homma, Y., Shimomura, A., Yoshikawa, T., Aoyama, R., & Fukushima, R. (2013, October). Three changes we are making in Japanese English education. MIDTESOL, Lawrence, Kansas.
Non-Refereed Conference Presentations
Aoyama, R. (2024, May). Engaging in antiracist discourse in the ELT classroom: Reflections from high school students in Japan. A paper presented at UBC Language Science Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Research Day, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.
Kubota, R., Aoyama, R., Kajigaya, T., Iwase, M., Takeda, Y., & Deschambault, R. (2024, March). World Englishes: Voices in Canada. The American Association for Applied Linguistics: AAAL 2024 Conference, Houston, TX.
Aoyama, R. (2023, April). Addressing theory-practice gaps: World Englishes as a pedagogical stance. The LLED Graduate Student Conference 2023: Creating Access for All, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.
Aoyama, R. & Denton, L. (2021, December). Teaching World Englishes in Japanese High School: Practices, Pitfalls, and Possibilities. Kanto-Koshinetsu Association of Teachers of English: The 45th Annual Convention (Online).
Aoyama, R. (2020, December). Intertwined multiple characteristics of NNEST identity: A case study of high school English teachers and a teacher trainer in Japan. Kanto-Koshinetsu Association of Teachers of English: The 44th Annual Convention (Online).
Aoyama, R., & Denton, L. (2019, August). Language choice of Japanese high school students in intra-national communication: Critical reflection on language use and users in Japan. Kanto-Koshinetsu Association of Teachers of English: The 43rd Annual Convention, Yokohama, Kanagawa.
Aoyama, R., & Pandey, S. (2017, March). A Japanese L2 writer's use of signposts in expository writing. The Graduate Scholars of English Association, Minnesota State University, Mankato, Minnesota.
Invited Keynotes and Talks
Kubota, R. & Aoyama, R. (2024, April). Antiracist and Decolonial Approaches to Teaching English as an International Language. ELINET Seminar Series, ELINET (Online). (🔗event link).
Aoyama, R. (2023, February). World Englishes as a pedagogical stance: Toward sociolinguistically informed ELT. Massachusetts Association of Teachers of Speakers of Other Languages, Emerging Scholars Circle SIG (Online).
Aoyama, R., Yoshida, A., & Gonda, M. (2019, August). Collaborative language teaching through shared goals and instructional plans. High School English Teachers' Forum 2019, Kanagawa Prefectural Institute of Language and Culture Studies, Yokohama, Kanagawa.
Aoyama, R. (2015, January). The elements that hinder teacher collegiality in schools and the solutions. Action Research Center at Yokohama, Yokohama, Kanagawa.
Aoyama, R. (2022, June). Race and English language teaching in Japan. Our Stories: A Living Library of Antiracist Pedagogy, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. (🔗project link).
Aoyama, R. (2015, January). JUSTE (Japan-US Training Exchange Program for English Language Teachers) Report. The Kanagawa Board of Education, Kanagawa Prefectural Institute of Language and Culture Studies, Yokohama, Kanagawa.
Aoyama, R. (2014, October). Action research for the development of paragraph writing skills. Japan Educational Action Research Network, Yamagata, Yamagata.
Dean of Education Scholarship, University of British Columbia (2023)
Li Tze Fong Memorial Fellowship, University of British Columbia (2023-2024)
Mary Elizabeth Simpson Scholarship, University of British Columbia (2022)
Faculty of Education Student EDID Funding Grants, University of British Columbia (2022)
LLED Graduate Student Travel Grant, University of British Columbia (2022)
Joseph Katz Memorial Scholarship, University of British Columbia (2021)
Four Year Fellowships, University of British Columbia (2021– present)
Four Year Fellowships Tuition Award, University of British Columbia (2021– present)
President's Academic Excellence Initiative PhD Award, University of British Columbia (2021– present)
International Tuition Award, University of British Columbia (2021– present)
JALT2019 Scholarship, The Japan Association for Language Teaching (2019)